Dental Services

Does Invisalign® really work and is it necessary?

Does Invisalign® really work and is it necessary? The second part of this question is best answered by looking at the reason that people use Invisalign®. The smile is an effective and a common facial expression. It is an expression of happiness, friendliness, uncertainty and a way to buy time when one is thinking of the best thing to say. All of this makes smiling extremely important. Plenty of people who do not feel confident in their smile or their teeth will try to hide their teeth and not smile. We have a solution to give them the confidence to take pride in their smile.

An orthodontic treatment designed for adults

While Invisalign® does not do anything for whitening the teeth, when you ask yourself the question “Does Invisalign® really work?” in the context of straightening the answer is a resounding “yes”. The reality is that more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of a good smile.

The Oral Health Foundation hosts National Smile Month to promote oral health and keeping a smile beautiful with healthy teeth. The website for National Smile Month states that "Nearly half the population are unhappy with their teeth," at least 48 percent. While many may target discoloration of the teeth as a source of disappointment with one's smile, crooked teeth are also a determining factor. Not only is a smile important for a first impression but the teeth need to be straight. Crooked teeth can trap food particles and help build up plaque, leading to infection.

Our treatment option does more than just align teeth for a perfect smile. We can help keep the teeth healthy for a brighter future. When one considers the importance of a smile, and the speed with which first impressions are formed, we are quite confident in stating that not only does Invisalign® work, but it is absolutely necessary.

The question “does Invisalign® really work?” is answered in droves by adults who are flocking to Livermore dental offices, such as ours, to get their teeth straightened with Invisalign®. Contrary to past stereotypes, it is just as common for adults to correct their teeth with orthodontic care as it is for children. The question is not really does Invisalign® work, so much as it is what makes Invisalign® such a popular and efficient way to straighten teeth?

Benefits of Invisalign®

The answer to why Invisalign® is both popular and efficient comes from the fact that it is completely customized. While Invisalign® may not be the best treatment for children, teenagers may be able to use Invisalign® instead of other teeth-straightening options.

It is clear and virtually invisible, and it is extremely comfortable. These three factors, among others, make Invisalign® the go-to choice for adults, and teenagers, everywhere.


Each patient gets a completely customized set of aligners which are made specifically for his or her needs. We base the aligners on a plan that the patient helps to create during the initial consultation.


Invisalign® is completely clear. An adult can wear the aligners for the necessary 22 hours at work, during social interactions and even at home without anyone knowing that the individual is straightening his or her teeth.


Not only does Invisalign® work, but is a comfortable alternative to other straightening options. Patients can remove Invisalign® to eat or when necessary and return the aligners to the mouth with little hassle.

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Dr. Timothy Hubbs, DDS

Published by
Dr. Timothy Hubbs, DDS

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