Can My Teen Get Invisalign?

Invisalign Livermore, CA

If your teenager requires orthodontic treatment, it's time to make some choices. Choosing between Invisalign and braces can be difficult; each treatment straightens teeth to improve not only a teen's smile but overall health.

Invisalign facts

1. How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign often looks like the plastic retainers that some teenagers get when a metal braces treatment is completed. How can these plastic trays move a teen's teeth? Invisalign can do it in a very similar way to how braces move the teeth. The aligners put pressure on the teeth, slowly shifting the teeth out of misalignment and into alignment.

2. Is Invisalign more pricey than other types of treatments?

One of the reasons parents choose metal braces instead of Invisalign is the misconception that Invisalign is always going to be more costly than other treatments. While it might have been initially more expensive than other treatments, today, most braces and Invisalign treatments cost the same amount if insurance covers Invisalign, which most insurance plans do these days. The most straightforward answer is to ask an orthodontist specifically what the costs will be in the case of the teen. In most cases, the prices are about the same.

3. What happens if my teen misplaces an aligner?

It is possible that a teen might take out an aligner to eat lunch at work or school, put it on a napkin or tray and accidentally toss it away. A teen may leave it at a friend's house or, as things do, it may disappear. What is going to happen if aligners are misplaced? In general, get a replacement by contacting the orthodontist and letting them know that the aligners have gone missing.

4. If chosen, how many hours a day does my teen need to wear the aligners?

For treatment to be as efficient as possible, the teen needs to wear the aligners for a minimum of 22 hours every day. That gives plenty of time to take them out for cleaning and eating. At all other times, as often as possible, the teen needs to wear them. Sometimes, a teen might have extracurricular activities that require the removal of those aligners, like sports or band, but Invisalign aligners are created to be discreet when worn so that they can wear them at all other times without disrupting the teen's life.

5. How can a parent know if a teen is wearing the aligners?

When a teen comes in for checkups, the dentist will know if the aligners have been worn. If the teen is progressing at the right rate, it will be evident that the teen has been diligent about wearing the aligners as much as possible. If the teen is lagging a little bit, this could be an indication that the aligners have not been worn as often as they should have been. If a patient has become far behind on treatment, then this can be attributed to not wearing the aligners as prescribed.

The first phase in deciding whether braces or Invisalign is best for the teen and the budget is to visit an orthodontist who can go over all the appropriate financing options and treatment plans. Contact an orthodontist today about teens getting Invisalign.

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